Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Internet Tools & Our Project

In reflecting on the module we covered in class today, I really did learn some helpful things. I enjoyed the time we had to share with our small groups, as I always gain helpful insight from my peers. There were 3 folks in our group, and I think we all took away some good ideas for our units - ideas that we hadn't thought of ourselves. The input I received from my group will certainly help my craft my project that the kids will complete. So, I appreciate that time in class!!!

I also liked being reminded of the Open Mind software that is available to us. I am going to plan on using a "Mind Map" like we looked at in class today as a means of helping organize my kids' thoughts and layout for the projects. I had forgotten how easy it was to export into Word and PowerPoint. And, I am favoring my kids completing a PowerPoint presentation for the project summary.

The time we were able to spend on the survey sites was of interest to me as well. I was actually able to draft a survey that I plan on using as an interest inventory for my classes at the beginning of the year. I thought this would be a wonderful way to compile the students' thoughts and approach to math, before we are too far in the year for it to matter. Instead of having them complete the good 'ole "paper and pencil" inventory I typically have them do, I am going to go this route. Then, we can use the results in an organized way as a talking point at the beginning of the year. And, hopefully, by the end of the year, we will have changed a few minds.

As far as the internet goes, I think for my 8th graders, supervision and monitoring is the key. Being up and about in the room while they using the computer will be a must! And, I think a list of sites would be a good idea for them, too! I really liked the spreadsheet we were all able to work on last night in Google docs. I would just have to try to figure out how to keep a few of my kids from deleting or adding information.

Good class tonight . . . learned lots!!!!

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